Thursday, October 25, 2007


You are welcome to get to know us on SCTV, October 27, 2007 at 12:30pm onwards. We will be on Potret programs.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Juara I

Juara I penilaian antara yayasan se Jakarta Timur (29 Mei 2007). (lena)

Sports Activity

Kegiatan Olahraga yang diadakan setiap hari jumat. (lena)

Rapat Evaluasi

Rapat Evaluasi Guru dan Kepala Sekolah tanggal 16 Juni 2007

Monday, July 2, 2007

Pembelajaran Karakter SDK I, II, III

Ramah merupakan salah satu bentuk pembelajaran karakter yang diajarkan di SDK Ketapang I, II, III. Tujuannya anak mengerti dan mampu mengaplikasikan " Ramah " dalam kehidupan sosial masyarakat.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Rawinala 34th Birthday "party"

Ulangtahun YPD Rawinala yang ke 34 dengan tema “To Love” “Cinta” salah satu bentuk pelayanan pendidikan di Rawinala

Gary mengikuti permainan ambil permen, diketahui jumlahnya, mengenalkan bahasa isyarat. (lena)

YPD Rawinala 34th birthday "party" on May 10th. “To Love” theme is one of education programs in Rawinala. Gary was following get candies game and counts the number of candies he got. It is also a way of introducing sign language to the children and guest.


Donatur Rawinala dari LDSC dan ANZA pada saat menghadiri Ulang Tahun Rawinala ke-34. (lena)

Donors from LDSC and ANZA attends Rawinala's birthday "party".

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Sosialisasi mahasiswa UNJ (Universitas Negeri Jakarta) bersama anak2 Rawinala dalam rangka observasi. (lena)

College student of UNJ in a form of observation on children at Rawinala.

Persekutuan Doa

Persekutuan doa dilaksanakan setiap hari jumat dan diperuntukkan bagi staff Rawinala.(lena)

Office staff religious gathering every Friday.

Computer Training for Staff

Pelatihan Microsoft Word dan Excel diperuntukkan bagi staff Rawinala.(lena)

Microsoft Word and Excel course for staff at Rawinala.

To Be Independence

Alfian berumur 16 tahun dengan kesulitan penglihatan (total) dan mental saat ini termasuk dalam kelas SMP. Setiap minggu sekali membuat es mambo dan menjualnya didalam area rawinala sebagai proses pembelajaran kemandirian. (lena)

Alfian is 16 years old with visual impairment and mental retardation. He is now in Junior High School. Once a week he made ice cone and sold them to the teachers and visitors at Rawinala. The process is a form to assist Alfian to be independence.

Monday, May 7, 2007


Irvan berada di kelas ganda netra, belajar menyanyi bersama salah seorang guru Rawinala, Windarto. Irvan saat ini berumur 10 tahun memiliki keterbatasan mental dan penglihatan. (lena)

Irvan is in visual-mental education, attended singing lesson with one of Rawinala teacher, Windarto. Irvan is 10 years old at the moment, having mental and vision impairment.

Pelatihan Tenaga Pendidik

Pelatihan presentasi tenaga pendidik. Pelatihan ini bertujuan mengembangkan mutu serta meningkatkan kepercayaan dari tenaga pendidik di dalam proses belajar mengajar.(lena)

Presentation courses for the teachers. This course is to provide high quality on educational level and to empower the teachers in learning process.

KDM visits

Kunjungan Kampus Diakonia Modern (KDM) – Komunitas Anak-anak Jalanan. Sebagai bentuk pembelajaran bagi anak-anak jalanan untuk lebih termotivasi di dalam bersekolah.(lena)

Rawinala visited by KDM (Kampus Diakonia Modern) – Komunitas anak-anak jalanan. It is also as an educational activity for KDM members to provides motivation to go to school to its member.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

SDK 11 Penabur

Kunjungan SDK 11 Sunrise Penabur pada tanggal 27 April 2007. Kunjungan mereka bertujuan untuk melihat proses belajar mengajar. (lena)

SDK 11 Sunrise Penabur visited Rawinala on April 27, 2007. They learned on the learning process for multiple disabilities pupils.


Denis berumur 9 tahun dengan keterbatasan penglihatan, sedang menulis huruf Braile. (lena)

Denis is 9 years old with low vision. He learns to write.

Astra Visits

Kunjungan Astra pada tanggal 28 April 2007 dalam rangka perayaan Paskah. (lena)

Astra visited Rawinala on April 28, 2007. Along with the children, they celebrates Easter.

Telkom visits

Kunjungan Telkom pada tanggal 20 April 2007

Telkom visited Rawinala on April 20, 2007

Saturday, May 5, 2007


Saat ini Lely berumur 6 tahun, tergabung dalam kelas pelayanan dini dengan keterbatasan penglihatan, tuna rungu dan tuna wicara. Dalam gambar terlihat Lely sedang memotong sayuran. (lena)

Meet Lely (6 years old). She's in early service unit with low vision, speech impairment and hearing impairment. She's practicing one of her daily activities.


Keizia (4 tahun), tergabung dalam kelas pelayanan dini dengan keterbatasan penglihatan. Keizia sedang mencuci peralatan makan (lena)
Meet Keizia (4 years old). She's in early service unit with visual impairment. She's able to wash her own dishes.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Righteousness in the Heart

If there be righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in character,

If there be beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home,

If there be harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation,

If there be order in the nation, there will be peace in the world

Righteousness in the Heart by Kim, 1995

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Let's start with what I can do...

Let’s start with what I can do, and work towards new skills, small step by small step. It will take longer for me to learn… But with your help I can learn, and we can both be proud and excited as I learn about each new skill.
Let’s get used to measuring my success against my last best effort, not against someone else’s… Let me know that you are pleased with my efforts and understands my hesitancies
(Bull, M. 1987; Getting it all together: A guide for parents of babies who have other disabilities as well as very limited vision, RVIB, Burwood, Vic)

Self determination

Self determination is as important to a person with a disability as it is to anyone else.
Educating Children with Special Needs; Adrian Ashman; John Elkins; Prentice Hall of Australia Pty Ltd; 1994

to be self-determined is to endorse one's action at the highest level of reflection. When self-determined, people experience a sense of freedom to do what is interesting, personally important, and vitalizing
Edward L Deci & Richard M Ryan

I am happy

There is no greater national treasure than our children for they are the leaders of tomorrow. If they become wise, productive, and well-balanced people, we and the nation will benefit from their productivity.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every student in elementary school could get the help he or she needs as it is needed and without being labeled?

Complete Learning Disabilities Handbook; Joan M Harwell, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2001

Poetry Contest